Wednesday, September 13, 2006

good morning

Where I come from, good morning equals good moaning give or take a few extraneous consonants and most of the vowels. but I am a teacher. you are a preacher. she is a lover. he is a mover. you are a shaker. I am a baker. she is a maker. we is a faker. neverthless let me guess. if he and she had met when each was twenty-three. if she and he and no one else made three until the first child added a puff of white smoke in the air and we all knew that a new pope had been elected. meanwhile, we pretended to be unaffected but were secretly disaffected to the point of frequenting bars and eyeing the available talent. We were at war, uninspired, demoralized, divided. But when a hero is needed, that's when a hero comes. Everything that is sad here will be said again by someone when. Everything that is said here will be repeated then. Defeated when. Someone when writing will say it again. This is not a fucken prediction, man. This is a prophesy. Unnerstan?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:14 PM  

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