Saturday, September 02, 2006


If you could get what you want
or what you deserve
what would the difference be?

Would there be a great hanging rope ladder
dangling miles between the two?

Is what you want always what you deserve?

Maybe we want what we deserve in a subconscious way
and work at getting that.

Whenever I work for women the shriveled pink worm of entitled somehow always manages to work its way out of their panties and into their mouths. These female department heads/directors/presidents usually hold it in their mouths for a while and play with it before spitting it off their tongues in my direction.

Sometimes it sticks. Sometimes it results in no raise or promotion or shitty classes. Other times it reminds me to get what I deserve AND what I want.

Fucking women. Fucking. Women. Would you have us any other way?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you being politically incorrect?

Blessings on your head. You are one of the elect.

You don't know me but your impact on me can be summed up in one word: erect.

Heck, have you ever read "The Dover Bitch" by the late Anthony Hecht?

7:55 PM  
Blogger Molly Arden said...

I have been wondering

What you are thinking about, and by now suppose

It is certainly not me.

10:39 PM  

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