Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Molly Writes a New Sonnet

Molly Mutters to Herself After Walking Past Edna St. Vincent Millay

Most men don't know the difference
bestween pasties and panties.
I know, because Junior Francesca used
to be one, and so were her chatty aunties.
"So tell me what happened at Linz?"
She took the subway and she was goosed.
No way, they said, it's abuse.
It's abuse when you phone
and yell at a man who used to sleep
with you but now sleeps alone
at three in the morning and you reap
what you knit not, Madame DeFarge,
because you and I want to "live large"
at cliff's edge, contemplating a leap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who doesn't know the difference between a panty and a pasty's working for the wrong party, if you ask me.

8:58 PM  

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